Tag: spiritual wisdom

What is Spiritual Immaturity?

Lately I’ve been thinking and blogging about the difference between SPIRITUAL and PHYSICAL wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

Something I’ve noticed is that a one can mature physically, which encompasses mentally as well (as thoughts are created by the brain, a PHYSICAL organ), but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have any level of spiritual maturity.

So what is spiritual maturity? It’s VERY difficult to describe, and this ELUSIVENESS is intrinsically part of it’s nature. If you think about it you’ll realize that things to do with the spiritual are SUBTLE. God’s existence, for instance, is subtle. So is the soul, or else we’d have found a way to identify/measure it. Even spiritual wisdom is very subtle, and not easy to grasp like concrete knowledge (math, basic science, history, etc) is. It is not so black and white, right and wrong, and even when it seemingly is… it isn’t.

I think that the Tao Te Ching is a book primarily concerned with achieving the utmost in SPIRITUAL MATURITY. It stresses harmony with the nature of things, detachment (but not in the sense that you don’t care, you just don’t define yourself in terms of your relationship to things, people, and ideas), and knowing without thinking (the basis of psychic ability and spiritual wisdom).

I think that I’ll start going through the Tao Te Ching and my opinions and understanding of it in future posts. It’s a cryptic book, but contains great wisdom. It has benefited me greatly in my life, perhaps it shall do the same for you. I’ll leave you now with an excerpt from that text…

“The Sage is like Heaven and Earth
To him none are especially dear or is there anyone he disfavours
He gives and gives without condition offering his treasure to everyone
The universe is like a bellows
It stays empty yet is never exhausted
It gives out yet always brings forth more
Man is not like this
When he blows out air like a bellows he becomes exhausted
Man was not made to blow out air
He was made to sit quietly and find the truth within”
