Month: August 2014

Why God doesn’t want us to know He’s real

Two reasons:

1) God gave us free will. If you knew God was real, then you’d also KNOW that if you don’t do certain things and do do certain things you’d be risking going to hell. If you knew that, then although you would technically have free will, you practically wouldn’t be free to make certain choices that would send you to hell because you’d be WAY too extremely terrified of that possibility to risk it… God is a God or Righteousness. Isn’t it more righteous to allow people to choose how to live their lives freely, then to threaten them with torture if they do certain things. Heaven and Hell are not punishments but choices that we make. When we die, our state at that time become our ETERNAL, UNCHANGING state. If we died having made the choice to create suffering in others and thus simultaneously create suffering in ourselves, then our eternal choice is for suffering. If we die in a state of choosing to foster peace and love, then we shall live eternally in that state. There are other prerequisites, like believing in God is a biggie 🙂 I digress…

2) He (God) does not love arrogance. God has given us plenty of information about him through the holy books He has inspired to spread across the Earth. From every big city to surprisingly isolated villages on south-east Asian islands, practically everyone has heard of God, or has that general concept in their belief systems somewhere if they haven’t. So the choice of rejecting God is a deliberate one. One has to thing “Naw, most of the world is crazy, dumb, or delusional to believe is something like that.” Is it really so far fetched to believe that when you die you will continue living in another form. Is it any more far fetch than to say that you came out of existence from nowhere and one day you will return to nowhere. It seems easier to believe because some people adopt the notion that only what they can see and hear is real. Yet we rely on unseen radio, microwaves, gravity, electricity, the list goes on. A clue perhaps? Isn’t it a little arrogant to think that you are capable of perceiving all the layers and forces that exist around and within us. You can’t even see your own face most of the time… I think that’s a humbling thought.